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Presences|Absences is a sensory experience of images and sounds in motion, where the instability of the image creates a fragmented narrative of time. Dialogue through the partnership of atmospheres, visible or invisible, audible and not audible, creates a random tour of echoes transformed into memories. This work is an invitation to experience the space in different temporalities.
It works as a video installation and as an experimental video for screening.

Video Experimental
Cecilia Traslaviña
Juan Ramirez
[Musica and Sound]
Carolina Lucio
Alejandro Forero
[Format] HD 16:9
[Dimensions] 1920 x 1080
[Codec] Apple ProRes HQ
[Frame Rate] 23.98 fps
[Duration] 10:03
[Sound] Stereo Dolby 2.0
[Year of Production] 2013
Country] Colombia

Cecilia Traslaviña
movil: (57) 318 233 66 16
Juan Ramirez

As video:

As video installation:

A sample video of PRESENCES | ABSENCES installation made for the Nuit Blanche -Paris 2012- At the Saint Merry Church. [+] info


Cecilia Traslaviña González. Works at the Javeriana University in the Visual Arts Department as animation teacher. She had been jury member in International short film festivals in Colombia and abroad. Also, she has made lectures about Colombian animation in different national and international events. Her works  have been selected in several film festivals in Germany, Poland, Brazil, Italy, Austria, Canada and Sweeden. Member of the website:,

Underdog 1990
Enriqueta Hyde 2.003
Una vez fuimos peces. Once we were fishes. 2.007
Almas Santas Almas Pacientes. Holy Souls Patient Souls. 2.007
La casa del Tiempo. Time’s house.2009
Album. 2009
El silencio habita en tu ventana. Silence lives within your window. 2010
Mar de Fondo . Deep Ocean. Animation created on line between Bogotá, Los Angeles and San Sebastián. 2011
La Campana en la roca. The Bell Rock in association with: Arteleku, San Sebastián, King Abdulazis Center for World Culture School, Damman, Arabia Saudí, Quick Draw Animation Society, Canada, Universidad Javeriana y Moebius animación, Bogotá.
Presencias/Ausencias Presences/ Absences. Animation and Experimental video intallation for Nuit Blanche at Saint Merry Church, Paris.
Fabricia. 2013
Perpetuum Mobile. Documentary about the relationship between animation and other arts.

Collaboration in other works:

Tiempo de Arena. Time of sand, documentary directed by Gustavo Fernández. 2008
Los Misteriosos Presagios de León Prosak. The mysterious presages of Leon Prozak, directed by Carlos Santa. 2009
Jala. Documentary about Ganges river, directed by Roberto Restrepo. Work in progress


Juan Manuel Ramírez. Artista audiovisual que trabaja mezclando diferentes medios como la animación, la videoinstalación y el universos sonoro. Siguiendo la idea de ser práctico y trabajar con tecnologías y materiales fáciles de conseguir en su contexto, lo ha llevado a incorporar soluciones autodidactas que definen  técnicas y estéticas particulares en su trabajo.
Su trabajo ha sido exhibido en París para la Nuit Blanche 2012. En distintos festivales audiovisuales como The Walthamstow International Film, 2013 en Londres. También ha colaborado en diferentes proyectos como animador, montajista y diseñador sonoro.


2013: Presencias-Ausencias. Video-Instalación
2013. Perpetuum Mobile –Documental- Edición
2012: Naturaleza fallida. Instalación sonora


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